Sycrone re-signed with MOUZ

Sycrone embarked on his MOUZ journey in 2021, initially working as the coach of MOUZ NXT. In 2022, he garnered a promotion to coach MOUZ. Opting to extend his contract now, he shares the reasons driving his decision and offers a glimpse into what MOUZ fans can anticipate in 2024.
Who is MOUZ sycrone?
sycrone: “The first thing that comes to mind is that it’s the coach version of Dennis. MOUZ sycrone is also the first time I ventured into coaching. I started with MOUZ NXT, then got promoted to MOUZ and now here we are. All my time that I spent in MOUZ has been all the time I’ve been coaching as well. So when I think of MOUZ sycrone, I think of my coaching career, my coaching path and the growth I’ve had in that aspect.”
Why did you choose to re-sign with MOUZ?
sycrone: “I’ve re-signed with MOUZ because they offer the best possible conditions. When we’re in talks about my contract, I raised a few concerns or demands around the team, and we talked a lot about how we can create the setup that I envisioned for the team, and that they vision for the team. It was all about how we can turn that partnership into something great. I think we’ve managed that and in the time to come, people will see what we’re working on here. In terms of the setup around the team, MOUZ offers something truly unique and is trying to push the boundaries there. Next to that, the lineup we have is incredible. We have young players all around, who are super talented with their best years ahead of them. Why would you not want to be a part of that future, right? At the moment, we’re top three, and it’s a great position to be in. Time will tell where we will be at the end of this year.”
How do you think you personally developed as a coach?
sycrone: “I’ve learned a lot over the years. One of the big things I’ve learned is structure. My job is about planning half a year ahead, keeping some flexibility and trying to optimize for performance in this sense. I’ve also grown a lot as a person by taking young people under my wings, teach them and be a good role model for them.”
What is the plan for the MOUZ roster in the next 6 months?
sycrone: “We sat down at the start of the season and talked about goals and ambitions. We talked a little bit about the performance goals, but also the result goals. In terms of results for this year, we really want to stay within the top three throughout the year and at one point, reach the number one on HLTV. We want to give our everything to try and make a major win possible, and I think it would be stupid in our position to not try and aim for that. Also, Cologne and Katowice are considered two of the biggest events of the year, and we would really like to be at the playoffs of one of those, maybe even with a chance of winning it.”
What is working with the new fifth player, Brollan, like?
sycrone: “We worked with Brollan, we just called him Ludde, for two weeks at the end of last year. When we had that practice week for Abu Dhabi, he was always first on TeamSpeak, last out. He watched our demos a lot and talked to the guys. I think Brollan fits well into the mix of young people. We’ve been practicing for a little over a week now, and it’s the same things I see from him. He’s very curious about things like team structure, meditation or what’s the thought behind going on a team walk. He’s a little bit of a rough diamond and there’s a lot of growth to be had there, to find some consistency and figure out what kind of guy he is. He’s very passionate about the game and very talented as well. From working with him, I understand that he still has a lot of room for growth.”
Will there be any changes to the current MOUZ system?
sycrone: “Right now, we’re traveling to a bootcamp in Poland. We’ve made sure that our sports psychologist is going to be there for the full duration of the boot camp. That’s obviously a big help. We are also looking into getting a full-time assistant coach for the team and have some interesting candidates in mind. We are making sure that we have these quality people around us. I know that in half a year’s time, the things we have in place now with new things MOUZ and us are working on – we will have a very competitive setup around the team. Matching what other top teams are offering in terms of staff and facilities, but also with investments into what we believe are key factors and areas.”
How do you see the future of the current MOUZ roster long-term?
sycrone: “In the long-term, we have established ourselves as a top team. We have the best talent here, and we keep it here. We offer the best possible facilities and people around the team, and we’re winning trophies.”
What is something that the MOUZ fans can look forward to in 2024?
sycrone: “The MOUZ fans will see a team that is now more about being its own tier 1 entity, rather than a steppingstone into that handful of other top organization. Hopefully we can give another playoffs showing in Cologne. I hope to see people around for that event especially, and overall, it’s always great to see MOUZ jerseys in the crowd wherever we are! Much love to all of you guys – it’s time to take things to the next level.”